Saturday, June 29, 2013


Although the excess kilos drop may seem like an insurmountable difficult, physiologically, it's easy. Weight loss while eating less than you consume.
Therefore, need "only" need to make sure that does not eat more than you consume.
In other words: If you eat less than you burn, KB will inevitably vanish.
There are two ways to lose weight:
  • By enhancing fat burning exercising more.
  • By eating less.
Studies have shown that it is virtually impossible to lose weight simply by increasing physical activity. By changing your eating habits rather than lose weight. The most effective is to combine these two methods, the weight loss is best achieved by limiting the supply of energy and increasing its consumption.

The physiology of weight loss

Weight loss, one gram is consumed more than 9 kcal of energy intake allows. When you consume 9 000 kcal more than eating, lose weight pounds. Two pounds lose weight by consuming 18 000 kcal more than eating. 5 kg weight loss, must be consumed 45 000 kcal more than eating, etc.
So, if you want to lose 10 pounds, or 2.5 ten weeks, the daily energy deficit will be as follows:
  • 2 kg weight loss requires 257 kcal of the energy deficit per day (18 days kcal/70 000)
  • 5 kg weight loss requires 643 kcal of the energy deficit per day (45 days kcal/70 000)
  • 10 kg of subject weight loss in 1286 kcal per day deficit in energy (90 kcal/70 000 days)
The question now is how much you spend per day, so that you can calculate how much you eat in a day to achieve your goal.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed standards of what the average working man and woman average daily energy requirements.
Formula to calculate the number of calories you burn during the day.
  • 18-30 years = 19.44 x weight in kg + 636
  • 31-60 years = 10.80 x weight in kg + 1104
  • over 60 years = 11.76 x weight in kg + 859
Several people can not hear through your body for eating and until the plate is empty, rather than stop at the stage when the conditions is saturated and saturated energy.

A little at a time

The appetite remains the most under control when meals are divided into several smaller doses to be enjoying the day. This appears to be today's energy distribution, ideally:
Breakfast: 25% of daily energy intake
Lunch: 30% of daily energy intake
Dinner: 30% of daily energy intake
Snacks: 5% of today's energy supply
Remember that to lose weight can not only eating less than you consume.
The results are best reached when half of the energy gap is derived from energy cut in half and increasing physical activity.
Weight loss required by the energy calculation is simple:
  • Calculated daily calorie requirement of the WHO formula.
  • Reduce the amount of energy required goals daily energy deficit.
  • 18-30 years = 19.68 x weight in kg + 902
  • 31-60 years = 15.12 x weight in kg + 1140
  • over 60 years = 15.36 x weight in kg + 768
Lose weight can not only consuming more than eating. Contrary to what many people think, low-fat and low-calorie ingredient in food makes you fat if you eat more than you consume.
Share of energy in different foods.
For example, 72 kg the 35-year-old woman who wants to lose five pounds in the next ten weeks, get to enjoy up to 1353 calories per day:
The energy needs of the WHO calculated using the formula
  • 10.80 x 72 kg + 1104 = 1882 Kcal
  • 1882 kcal - 529 kcal (5 kg of weight loss required daily energy deficit) = 1353 kcal.
Breakfast be enjoyed in this case 338 kcal (25%), 406 kcal lunch (30%), for dinner 406 kcal (30%), and for each intermediate piece 68 kcal (3 x 5%).

1 comment:

  1. Great Article, It will help us to improve our health and fitness! My Blog
